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UniBlog: Breaking The Ice

Updated: Oct 4, 2020

Meatballs turned out very well, and despite a technical issue or so, which was fixed, I managed to join the meditation session, which was also relaxing as per usual.

Cooking With Robin Part 2

A lesson I did learn on Tuesday evening is that a large portion of cooking is trial and error - I never made swedish meatballs before, so , as stupid as it sounds, I gave them a warmth test after they had been in the pan a while. I didn’t burn myself as I set the heat too low and after holding my hand above the pan they eventually got some (and then enough) heat into them.

I never measured time, just by looks of markings. Pasta also worked perfectly at 9 minutes.

Wednesday 23rd September

Wednesday went rather well - waking up at 9 or 10, having breakfast before attending the online icebreaker (get to know your class) where I found out more about my classmates as well as The Formula 3 “program“ My university is running. involved in writing about their racing/testing activities would be Incredibly cool. I also found out my teacher was originally from Romania!

The rest of the day sort of slipped into the abyss before 19.00 when I was meant to do the meditation evening - However never received the link for the newest session

This pushed tea (Currently on two meals a day, not sure why) a little earlier.

Jya was cooking vegetarian sausages, chips and vegetables - and upon hearing this I leapt up out of my chair and asked If I could have some. After returning to my room, I remembered I had some Richmonds in the fridge, so quickly ran back and informed him.

In the end, I had Richmond sausages (I cooked) with Carrots, broccoli, peas and chips he had cooked which turned out to be a very delicious meal indeed!!

Apologies if this blog doesn’t have the same flow (Or SPAG Accuracy) as the previous, I am writing this on my phone at 00:53 at night. I don’t know...Just like having a nice recap of the day I guess!

Night! -RT


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