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UniBlog: A Thrilling Day!

Wow! I honestly can't believe how much has happened today...I need to take a breather!!

Straight Into Action

After suffering technical problems with Yahoo Mail pretty much all week, Terry (fundraiser & sponsorship at UWRacing - the University's Racing Division) managed to email me (via my other email address) with a link to a meeting on

Microsoft Teams earlier in the week.

I'd wake up at 9.30 or so on Friday, and since I forgot when the meeting was, I quickly checked. It would be starting in around 10 minutes or less, so after emailing him, we eventually all got into the meeting.

I was expecting it to be just Terry at a desk or other homely environment, but I was pleasantly surprised to be on call in a large(ish) office - with two other people at a social distance.

We discussed what I would be doing and what they expected of me - which was all standard understandable things.

For the Uni (Racing) Team - everything was pretty much "shut up shop" since their last outing of the year was on the 11th November.

February/March would be when everything would kick back into life as the motorsport season begins once again (hopefully)

One of the big takeaways from this meeting was that they invited me to have a look around the garage/campus where they are based - so that will be incredibly exciting. More news to follow in the coming weeks and months!

Christmas Chaos

Following this, I'd look into what the government were doing for University Students during Christmas.

On the 11th November, the government announced that there would be a small "corridor" or "window" for University Students to travel back home - meaning that there wouldn't be a flurry of activity throughout the Christmas holidays, instead a concentrated flow of pupils on a set number of days.

No, this isn't "by law you must go home on this said day" but it's a strong recommendation.

As I've said before - as nice as home is, I work much better at Uni as there isn't the distraction of my rig or iRacing just a click away, but if a large majority of the government are HIGHLY RECOMMENDING going home, I don't want to be causing any headaches for anyone, or be an anomaly - so a little against my wishes, I conformed and decided on a day to come home - Tuesday 8th November, 2020.


First and foremostly, it's nearer the end of the period allocated, meaning I get the most time at University with little disruption - also giving me ample of time to back the things I want/need when I go back home.

Not only is it the MOFO End Of Season Festival (to celebrate wrapping up another season of Skippy Racing), It's also the start of Week 13 - so olde Robin boii can whip out his Formula 3 car again after 100 days of being under a plastic cover.

After not racing for over a month the sound, feel and joy of driving a Formula 3 car will rush back to me

In addition to this, my earliest assignment the "Key Concepts Of Journalism" (Citizen Journalism) assignment is due on Monday the 7th - once I get that submitted, there will only be two main modules remaining "Representing the Real" (essay proposal - 16th December) and "News Writing" (First Assignment Due - 18th December) with the remainder being due in January.

Coming home also presents the opportunity to plan when - sorry, if, I am able to see friends (?) and relatives.


AHHHH! The MOT - A car owners favourite three letters - this expired on the 7th December, so driving the car after this date (other than to the MOT Centre) would be illegal - so with my local Kia Dealer offering the 4th December (a little soon for my liking) I experimented and called up the KIA Dealership in Wolverhampton.

Fortunately, not only did they have a dealership in Wolverhampton, but a dealership that did MOT Services as well! Since this was in Wolverhampton, it meant that I could remain in Wolverhampton and not make the 2 and a half hour drive back to Surrey.

The good news only resumed as I found out that they could take the car to the Dealership for me - meaning I didn't have to worry about walking home or to the dealership in the dark - or worry about missing a lecture or a part of a lecture.

I have now booked my first MOT Service (woo!) for December before my MOT Expired. The best part? They are expected to arrive before my (now online) lecture starts so that's beautiffull news!


Taking a flick through my 2020-2021 Academic Calendar, there's a hell of a lot to be excited for and it looks to be a full and thrilling Winter Season!

A Virtual Road Trip Around The World

My GPS is working again! I've now passed over the top of Mongolia and am now bordering China with less than a day to go before arriving at the coast!

Not a SINGLE drag-race has taken place on this stretch of road....I swear...


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