Kabort Motorsport

Dec 7, 2020

UniBlog: Absolute Banger Of A Day To End The Year!

Updated: Dec 10, 2020

With an assignment due at 2pm, there was no time to sleep. I powered on throughout the night - powering on adding words and meaning to my already semi-strong assignment.

I had a Newswriting lecture at 11:00am knocking precious hours off my time left to submit.

At the strike of 2:01pm - I knew it'd all be over and it was up to those marking my assignment my outcome - anything higher than a fail would be more than acceptable - especially given how this was my very first assignment, a whole new level of difficulty compared to college - and not a thing to compare to as a "control" or standard.

Later on during the day, we'd hand out the remainder of the Secret Santa gifts - as Andrew had already gone, it left just me, Jya, James and J-Day. (Gee-Day) at the campus.

Jya got me a chocolate Santa Claus and a diecast "Tracer" (from Overwatch) car. I don't play overwatch, but it was incredibly kind of him and I do love cars, so greatly appriciate it

Me and James would be leaving tomorrow, whilst Jya would have to quarantine upon returning home to Jersey - quite the miserable way to begin the Christmas Holidays.

I'd run into the kitchen at 6:15am (in pyjamas) and grab a bowl of cereal before a shower at 7 - before continuing on with my assignment.

Time flew by and before I knew it was time for my lecture.

News Writing

News Writing was only an hour (due to the in-coming deadline) and started off with a look back at the previous lecture which was interviews (and for the first time EVER my blog got a mention!!!)


The thumbnail of this Blog being Garath Gales which was a funny thought in my mind "What's Garath Gales Doing Here?"

after a re-cap, I learnt quite a lot - both on-topic and off!

The lecture itself was about Broadcast Media (TV/Radio), what the different types of broadcast platforms/media were and how to write for a broadcast.

Tips On How To Present A Broadcast
1) Not every audience member joined at the very start of the program, so be sure to use a reasonable bit of repetition (especially after an advert break),

2) go over the key points of the broadcast (i.e: The 5 W's) - Who are you, what's happened when and why? (maybe how)

3) Be aware of your surroundings - humans are natural rubberneckers - so anything with a brightly-coloured flashing emergency vehicle in the background is extremely eye catching.

4) Be courteous - Not actually mentioned in the lecture - but know what you're presenting...if it's a fatality, you don't want to be pressed up against the cordon where a tent could be seen - or you could be in the way, but if the scene is "not active" (a closed-case burglary or-murder investigation with a detained suspect or even minor car accident, though caution must still be taken - don't be worried timid something will "kick off" - there is usually nothing other than Police Activity to be seen.

5) Facts - Stick to them and tell them without "verbose" - too much verbose and a tangent and your audience will lose interest and be unsure of what the breaking news is you want to present is

6) Conversation - conversations with members of the public or others of interest in the vicinity make for good interviews, but make sure it's flowing, respectful (don't pester the deceased victim's mother to talk) and it's natural - talking to a window cleaner at a motorsport event will not give you too many useful results.

Mid-Day passed, and the official lecture itself ended. Our lecturer stayed on the video/voice call to answer questions about the upcoming assignment - the biggest one was "what on earth is Havard Referencing?

With mere hours to go before the deadline was upon us - I learnt an absolutely critical concept - Havard Referencing - and by the sounds of it, I'll be using it quite a damn lot! Dare I say it, I think this "nifty little trick" (learning Havard referencing) may have bumped me up from a "He has no idea what he's doing" to a "I mean, he's got the right idea" - so a little shout out to my lecturer for that!

the seconds ticked down to zero. I was on Canvas...but on the wrong side of Canvas...

By the time I'd made it onto the right module, it had ticked over to 2:01pm - and the submission closed....

I wasn't in the mood for panicking, so I simply emailed my lecturer with the document, apologising that I'd only just missed the submission by a matter of moments.

With this submitted (in one way or another) I know had a large space of availibility in my schedule - So I whacked on some 8D Tunes and raved around my room for a bit - ranging from Lukas Graham, Sigala and MJ!

With Pizza tonight - and driving back home tomorrow - I just know it's going to be one hell of a Merry Christmas!

Oh, since I missed it - Here's the Game A Days that I have missed due to either being distracted, having a headache or pumping out an assignment...for an all-nighter I really don't feel half bad!!

Game A Day

Tried to play Dissassembly 3D - but it was more glitched than I anticipated and was surprisingly boring/not racing related.
